pain management

Why have I evolved my practice beyond massage therapy?


I am getting older.

I have been a Massage Therapist supporting my clients in managing healthy aging and chronic stiff achiness and pain for 20 years. In that time, I too have been getting older.

On my journey I have discovered a few changes in my daily choices that currently have me feeling more mobile, energetic, less stressed and over all happier and healthier today -Without Feeling Deprived.

As a Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach I want you to feel your best - Now and at any age. I want to share these approaches with you.

The foundation of this is available through -

Tailored to You 1:1 Health Coaching or Healthy Habits 6week Weight-loss (Last offering before September starts this Monday 4/15)

Both include the opportunity to experience Healthy Choices Educational Grocery Tour and Mindful Movement.

One Choice at a Time

Why does aging seem to be so painful?

Ever wonder why somedays you feel very stiff and achy yet can’t recall having done anything physically to cause it?  Then experience those days that all seems to feel pretty good. You may have more control over managing this than you think.

Let’s talk about inflammation.

When something enters the body, and it is not recognized as something it needs like an essential nutrient- your immune system kicks in and attacks.  Your body will work to protect itself from foreign matter and will push it out or encompass, destroy and or try to eliminate. For example; when you get a sliver in your finger your body will respond and create inflammation (redness and swelling) around the spot.  Inflammation is a healthy immune response, however when repeated over and over it becomes Chronic Inflammation... which then is no longer a healthy response but a full attack on one's body. 

An unfortunate common systemic form of inflammation can arise from what you eat and drink.  Today many items we consume are loaded with ingredients (additives and preservatives) that are not recognized by the body as a nutrient.  Chances are if you look at a label and can’t pronounce or recognize an ingredient – your body won’t either! As a result, the body will attack it as foreign matter.  This may causes a systemic (full body) inflammatory response which can be experienced through stiff achy joints and overall swelling and bloat.

Each of our bodies are like chemistry beakers. Everything we consume has an impact on our unique chemistry balance. The effect of what we consume can be positive or negative.  When negative, your body is smarter than you and will attack the unrecognized matter (like a silver in your finger), causing an inflammatory response.  Everyone’s body is unique in how this takes place.  Most common areas it can be observed in rashes and irritations on skin, bloating and digestion discomfort, acid reflux, stiff achy joints, and respiratory/sinus issues like runny nose and congestion.

Working with Rebecca you’ll discuss your current pain; together you can determine how to approach managing a portion of that through your lifestyle choices.  Rebecca is here to create a supportive environment while together you explore what really works for you.

Aging doesn’t have to be painful -

You may be experiencing inflammation as a response to something you consumed.

Curious about working with me?

Working with me is different. I’m not an influencer. I’m not about a quick fix.

I work closely with my clients to empower them to take control of their health and wellness by

Making Healthy a Habit, One Choice at a Time.

As a Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach I do this by partnering with my clients to increase self-awareness of choices while guiding them through the process of change. My areas of focus include healthy aging, managing chronic pain, moving mindfully, self-care, nutritional balance and weight management.

Are you ready?

Hear what my clients are saying about working with me.

Choices for a Happy Healthy New Year

What do you want MORE of in 2024? Or is a better question what do you want less of ?

To make room for more of something you will need to let go of something.  Release those choices and things that are not supporting your health and wellness.

How about less fatigue, less pain, less anxiety, less weight, less depression, less inflammation, less sick days, less headaches, less bloating, less putting out fires, less clutter or less waste just to name a few.

What do you want more of in 2024?

ACCEPT what you cannot change -your age, your genetics, all your choices prior to today, what others think, what others say, what happens around you, the attitudes, beliefs, choices and perceptions of others.

CHANGE what you can change - your future choices of how you move, how much you sleep, what you consume, how you treat yourself, your responses to others through your words and actions, where you focus your time, energy and attention, how you let others affect you, your gratitude and how you demonstrate it.

Body Be Well Solutions offers a variety of different approaches for Making Healthy a Habit, One Choice at a Time. Not a diet – that is short term.  Not even really big changes; sometimes its the smallest that have the greatest impact. Choices that actually change your lifestyle and get you on the road to health and happiness for good. Creating the resilience to get back on track during those occasions of getting sidetracked. 

Actions are more powerful than words - take a look…

Do you need to "Adjust" the volume?

As a Health Coach, Mindfulness Yoga Teacher and Massage Therapist; I coach my clients to be aware and “Tune In” as our bodies “Talk’ to us our entire lives… through pain, stomach discomfort/digestive issues, skin irritations/rashes, muscle restriction, joint stiffness, chronic sinus issues, sleeplessness etc.

This may require small or large changes in how you care for your personal health and wellness.

The body is designed through functional movement and chemistry to work synergistically. When there is an imbalance -anywhere is the system… your body will let you know. Sometimes its necessary to take a Pause … Tune in… Listen… Adjust.

What is Mindful Movement Really?

As a licensed massage therapist specializing in chronic pain for almost 20 years I felt there was a need to bring a form of yoga to many of my clients. Massage therapy is beneficial for many, especially those dealing with chronic pain.  However, what I’m able to offer as a massage therapist in a session, is short term.

… retain / regain movement function typically lost with aging and chronic pain.

I’ve been suggesting yoga to my clients who are typically between the ages of 40 and 75, equally male and female.  Most of them are dealing with some form of chronic pain including frozen shoulder, scoliosis, neuropathy, disc herniations, migraines and joint replacements to name a few. 

The response from my clients when I’ve suggested trying yoga has been… “there’s no way I can do yoga, I’m not flexible, my body doesn’t move like that”.

 I decided to focus on developing a type of “Mindful Movement” program that was inspired by some basic yoga poses.  The intent is to assist my clients on improving the quality of their lives by sharing ways to move daily to manage some of their chronic pain when they’re not in a massage session with me.

  • Participants are diverse in age, gender and abilities.  Use of the chairs has been an important aspect for some, especially as we have been focusing on balance and stability. 

  • Each session begins slowly with mindful breath work. 

  • We then moved into a series of movements to warm up joints and various muscle groups to increase movement and flexibility. 

  • A flow of a standing yoga poses, with chair modifications for those in need is where we pull our movements together. 

  • Sessions end with additional breath work and a short meditation.   The overall focus is on being mindful of posture, movements and intention of activity, emphasizing how beneficial even gentle movement can be daily.

What people are saying:

-my shoulder pain is 75% better immediately after class and continuing on.  

-thank you for the session this morning, it lifted me physically and my spirits.

-this is exactly the movement I was looking for, not too little, not too intense.

-as you know I have always been resistant to going to yoga classes for many reasons. however, you have made your class such a safe place to practice yoga regardless of ability.

Opioid Alternative - Chronic Pain Management Update for NYS

As a wellness professional for almost 20 years, I have specialized in supporting my clients in managing chronic pain through Therapeutic Massage, Healthy Lifestyle Choices and Yoga inspired Mindful Movement sessions.

Approach to Sustainable Change

A productive approach to sustainable change…consider the positive habits you already have concerning a healthy lifestyle and amplify those behaviors.

Change that is motivated by fear, guilt, regret or a desire to fix a perceived weakness often leads to negative a self-defeating cycle in which we try and fail and keep being reminded of what is not working.

Focus and build on the positives, leave the negatives behind.

Hello! I'm Rebecca.

What support can I offer you?

I am a Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach- I have studied 100s of different dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques, and innovative coaching methods. I recognize and appreciate, one size does not fit all when it comes to making healthy choices. I practice a “whole person” approach to healthy habits by embracing your current preferences and guiding you through change for alternatives.

I am a Licensed Massage Therapist - I am familiar with the aging body and the chronic pain associated with it, I understand the limitations this causes in physical activity.

I am a Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher -I don’t teach headstands or other intense yoga poses, I teach moving mindfully and create mobility where stiff achiness generally resides.

I am a Wellness Consultant -I am aware of the impact that too much or not enough of certain things cause imbalance in our bodies and ultimately our health.

I have been a successful participant with losing and managing weight-loss -I have personally experienced the Mind over Matter struggles with changing habits.

I am familiar with depression, anxiety and their associated mood and health effects -I understand that everyone is unique and requires a different type of support.

I am familiar with Diabetes, Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Eldercare -I am intimately aware of the challenges life brings at times, and am able to provide approaches to managing self care.

I am a wife, mom, stepmom, gramme, daughter, caregiver, friend, introvert, excellent listener with the ability to ask thoughtful questions and provide empathy, feedback and make connections between choices, habits and identifying the impacts on one’s health.

I am on this journey as are each of you…life with it twists, turns and …. well all the things.

Healthy is Inside Out

If you get the inside right, the outside will fall in place. Focus on making healthy choices for yourself and you will experience the bonus of feeling and looking healthy as well.

Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A, with one serving providing 184% of your daily value plus:
Vitamin C -Calcium -Iron -Biotin -Vitamin K1 -Potassium -Vitamin B6 -Lutein

You are what you eat… it shows in how you move and look.

What actually happens to your body when you start doing yoga?

Many thoughts come to mind when you do yoga for the first time.

As you stand in the back of a class, or unfurl a yoga mat at home, it can all seem like a lot of wobbling on one foot as you struggle to figure out a pose. But even if… Read more

Curious if there is a yoga out there for you? Just a beginner? Have some chronic restricted mobility or pain?

Allergy Season Natural Options

Support your immune system naturally to get comfortably through this allergy season.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar -Cleanses lymph system and assists in breaking up mucus

  • Probiotics - Offer balance , over 70% of your immune system is in your gut

  • Nettle Tea - Helps to reduce the amount of histamine in the body

  • Local Honey - Promotes strengthening the immune system

Upper Body Tension & Pain? How are you Breathing?

Years ago, my Chiropractor mentioned I was not breathing with my belly… my upper body was a disaster of chronic tightness and pain. I was stressed and filled with anxiety.

As I’ve focused on breath through mindfulness & yoga... there has been a significant change in my body tension and overall sense of well being.

You can train your body to breathe in through your nose, expand the breath into your belly and gently exhale in the same manner.  This is very similar to when we unconsciously take in a deep breath and release a heavy sigh to relieve ourselves and take a pause during a stressful situation.

Over time, it’s a Habit you no longer to focus on... you begin to breathe this way without focusing, as your body realizes how much more efficient it is.  

I’d say it’s worth a try...

Do you know your chemistry?

Understanding how our bodies respond to what we put into them; making minor changes can significantly alter our energy levels and overall health.

Do you know the impact of what you are consuming through food or drink?

Each of our bodies is like a chemistry beaker, everything we put in causes some sort of a reaction.. some good, some not so good and some really awful.

Doubtful of that? Consider:

  • children at a birthday party after the cake and ice cream

  • the impact of alcohol after 1, 2, 3 or maybe 4 drinks

  • how drinking coffee when you are tired can energize you

As you age, what will be most important to you?

Moving and gently stretching our joints with intention is something we all need… Although it’s so difficult to take the time and have the discipline to do it on our own.  

Moving around, free of chronic pain and movement restrictions?

I focus on supporting my clients to move mindfully and create mobility where stiff achiness generally resides. This can be addressed through any or all of these -Mindful Movement sessions, Massage Therapy and Health Coaching or Wellness Classes.

Let me help you bring some healthy mobility back into your life!

Mindful Movement is available in person or remotely 4 times a week -offering you an opportunity to be guided through a serious of movements which will enhance your mobility and minimized the impact of most arthritis associated with aging.

Massage Therapy is available by appointment.

Tailored to You personal health coaching is by appointment; schedule your introductory 20 Minute session today.

Wellness Classes including Wegmans Grocery Shopping Tours are offered monthly, Healthy 101 and Healthy Habits are offered through out the year.

Hello! I'm Rebecca.

What support can I offer you?

I am a Licensed Massage Therapist - I am familiar with the aging body and the chronic pain associated with it, I understand the limitations this causes in physical activity.

I am a Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher -I don’t teach headstands or other intense yoga poses, I teach moving mindfully and create mobility where stiff achiness generally resides.

I am a Wellness Consultant -I aware of the impact that too much or not enough of certain things cause imbalance in our bodies and ultimately our health.

I am an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach- I have studied 100s of different dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques, and innovative coaching methods. I recognize and appreciate, one size does not fit all when it comes to making healthy choices. I practice a “whole person” approach to healthy habits by embracing your current preferences and guiding you through alternatives.

I have been a successful participant with losing and managing weight-loss -I have personally experienced the Mind over Matter struggles with changing habits.

I am familiar with depression, anxiety and their associated mood and health effects -I understand that everyone is unique and requires a different type of support.

I am familiar with Diabetes, Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Eldercare -I am intimately aware of the challenges life brings at times, and am able to provide approaches to managing self care.

I am a wife, mom, stepmom, gramme, daughter, caregiver, friend, introvert, excellent listener with the ability to ask thoughtful questions and provide empathy, feedback and make connections between choices, habits and identifying the impacts on one’s health.

It is your journey

There is always time to change the path you are on.

Maybe a conversation, with a Health Coach familiar with numerous diet approaches could assist you. Perhaps a Massage Therapist who has specialized in helping clients manage chronic pain for over 15years would have a suggestion or two on how to address some of your concerns of aging and the accompanying daily aches. Could a Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher potentially guide you through some mindfulness, gentle movement activities to safely become more active and in better physical shape all while restoring some balance to your life?

What are you waiting for? Yesterday you said tomorrow… lets get started, the choice is yours.

is water really that important?

Did you know that you make numerous investments in your health every single day? 

If you are going to the gym, taking a yoga class, seeing a chiropractor or getting a massage... you are making an investment in yourself and your health. 

Protect your investment

What is the most effective way for you to protect these investments?

Water.  Seriously.  Water.  

Drinking water before and after strenuous physical activity increases the body's ability to fully benefit from the experience and significantly reduce the likelihood of injury.   Does it make sense to spend this precious time and energy and only receive partial benefit?  

When a chiropractor is providing treatment to someone who is not properly hydrated, it is like working with a completely dried out stiff sponge... Do you think that adjustment is going to  be smooth and hold for long?  Visualize it.. the answer is No.  Drink a reasonable amount of water the day before, of and after a chiropractic appointment.

Many seek massage therapy for pain or stress relief.  Massage focuses on releasing toxins, tensions and restrictions in soft tissue, muscles and tendons.  Massage increases the flow of blood, which consist of about 82% water.  Imagine a new can of play dough.  Until the play dough is warmed, moist and worked through it is stiff and difficult to bend and mold.  Add water... and wow, what a difference!  Protect your massage therapy investment and hydrate... your massage with be more effective and the benefits will last significantly longer!

How much water?  Ideally, 1/2 your body weight in ounces daily.