
One Choice at a Time

Re-Steady Your Balance

Being healthy is about Balance.   Somedays are easier than others. Its about making small adjustments to "re-steady" our Balance. The more practiced you are at re-steadying yourself -the more habitual it will be.  

Small adjustments help us re-steady and find balance.

Choices for a Happy Healthy New Year

What do you want MORE of in 2024? Or is a better question what do you want less of ?

To make room for more of something you will need to let go of something.  Release those choices and things that are not supporting your health and wellness.

How about less fatigue, less pain, less anxiety, less weight, less depression, less inflammation, less sick days, less headaches, less bloating, less putting out fires, less clutter or less waste just to name a few.

What do you want more of in 2024?

ACCEPT what you cannot change -your age, your genetics, all your choices prior to today, what others think, what others say, what happens around you, the attitudes, beliefs, choices and perceptions of others.

CHANGE what you can change - your future choices of how you move, how much you sleep, what you consume, how you treat yourself, your responses to others through your words and actions, where you focus your time, energy and attention, how you let others affect you, your gratitude and how you demonstrate it.

Body Be Well Solutions offers a variety of different approaches for Making Healthy a Habit, One Choice at a Time. Not a diet – that is short term.  Not even really big changes; sometimes its the smallest that have the greatest impact. Choices that actually change your lifestyle and get you on the road to health and happiness for good. Creating the resilience to get back on track during those occasions of getting sidetracked. 

Actions are more powerful than words - take a look…

Life Does Not Have A Remote

Do you KNOW you need to make some changes to be healthier?

Do you WANT to make some healthy changes?

Are you READY to make some changes to be healthier?

Simply KNOWING and WANTING to make change is unfortunately not enough. More importantly -You must be READY!

Do you know why you make the choices you do? How READY are you to change? Could the key to sustainable change start with you spending time observing and learning about yourself and your preferences? Taking time to really gain an understanding of how you got to where you are today, then moving toward a clearer picture of where you’d like to be.

Life does not have a remote.

Are you READY to get up and make a change and choose a healthy path yourself?

Do you need to "Adjust" the volume?

As a Health Coach, Mindfulness Yoga Teacher and Massage Therapist; I coach my clients to be aware and “Tune In” as our bodies “Talk’ to us our entire lives… through pain, stomach discomfort/digestive issues, skin irritations/rashes, muscle restriction, joint stiffness, chronic sinus issues, sleeplessness etc.

This may require small or large changes in how you care for your personal health and wellness.

The body is designed through functional movement and chemistry to work synergistically. When there is an imbalance -anywhere is the system… your body will let you know. Sometimes its necessary to take a Pause … Tune in… Listen… Adjust.

What direction should you go?

Mediterranean? Keto? Vegan? Vegetarian? Intermittent fasting? Low-Glycemic?

These are just a few and there are so many more “diet approaches” to choose from! How do you know which to try or is right for you? Before going down one path or another; consider these questions honestly. Changing eating habits is hard enough -Don’t set yourself up for self sabotage and failure by not planning and making a solid decision on which path to take.

  • What is you goal or objective? Losing weight? Getting healthy?

  • Does it fit into your current lifestyle? Meals made at home? Food ordered in? Dinning out?

  • Is it flexible? Or is it ridged and based on extreme restrictions?

  • Is it sustainable? Is it for a lifetime of habits? Or a quick fix?

  • What is the financial cost involved? Is that sustainable?

  • Do you have regular access to the food?

  • How much time is necessary for preparation? Are there time saving options?

  • What is your motivation for choosing one over another?

  • Is it based on counting, measuring or recording consumption?

Your success will be based on the results of an honest assessment of these questions. No matter which approach you decided these items should definitely be part of your path:

  • Sustainable

  • Balanced food groups

  • Flexible - because life happens!

  • Based on non-processed food choices

  • Mostly real food choices -not made in a Factory

  • Proper hydration

  • Cost Effective

  • Well supplemented to cover the gaps in nutrients

  • An approach that is coupled with physical activity and restorative sleep.

Who’s path are you on?

Re-steady your Balance

Being healthy is about Balance.   The most practiced yoga teacher cannot hold a tree balance pose constantly. Somedays are easier than others. Its about making small adjustments to "re-steady" our Balance. The more practiced you are at re-steadying yourself -the more habitual it will be.  

Small adjustments help us re-steady and find balance.

Approach to Sustainable Change

A productive approach to sustainable change…consider the positive habits you already have concerning a healthy lifestyle and amplify those behaviors.

Change that is motivated by fear, guilt, regret or a desire to fix a perceived weakness often leads to negative a self-defeating cycle in which we try and fail and keep being reminded of what is not working.

Focus and build on the positives, leave the negatives behind.

Does aging always equate to having pain? Your Choices & Mindfulness

Why is it that we ignore the small discomforts in our bodies and don't respond until we're in full blown pain or have lost the function or ability to do something?

As we age, many shrug off small messages coming from our bodies as simply aging. However, what if we started paying attention to those subtleties?

A mindful part of aging would be to respond and be in the moment with curiosity about the discomfort that we're experiencing.

Consider an example if we are experiencing chronic shoulder pain and it turns out that pain is our dominant hand that we all hold our cell phone or our mobile device with. That particular position is chronically causing repetitive strain on those muscles.

Potential solution -put the mobile device in another hand when the discomfort or the tiredness in the arm is experienced; take a stretch or even put the device down for awhile to allow for rest.

Respond instead of delaying and waiting for full blown pain and loss of function and the need to react!

Support restorative sleep

Restorative sleep is a critical aspect of your physical and mental health. Your body does many amazing things to keep you healthy while you’re asleep. Immunity is bolstered, muscles are repaired, hormones are rebalanced, and new cells through out your body are created- these are just some of workings taking place while you rest.

Everyone occasionally has troubling falling asleep, staying asleep and maybe not feeling rested when you wake up or feel tired during the day.

Here is a listing of items which could assist you during those occasional sleepless times.

  • The scent of lavender

  • A sound machine with ocean waves, or gentle rain

  • An eye mask to block out any unintended light

  • Cooler room temperature

  • A warm shower or bath

  • A weighted blanket, comfortable clean bedding

  • Sleeping in a bed, with an appropriate mattress and pillow(s)

  • Magnesium and Calcium -both induce calming responses in body chemistry

  • Mindful Breath work… focusing on an inhale through the nose, and a longer slower exhale through the mouth, repeat as the heartrate begins to slow

Nothing is more healing than sleep.

If sleeplessness becomes a chronic issue, consulting with your primary care provider is suggested.

Get out of your own way

When you skip self-care and take care of everything and everyone else first… eventually it catches up with you.

You feel it in your mood and your energy. Your ability to rest and enjoy your favorite activities has become compromised. You realize, you are your own worst enemy.

Take care of you. Its not selfish, It is essential to you and those who depend on you.

It’s ok to cancel a commitment, not answer a call or just say no.

It is also ok to change your mind, want to be alone, take a day off and not tell anyone and simply do nothing.

You can chose to take a walk, meditate, read a book, feel the warmth of the sun, gaze at the moon and stars, admire the beauty of nature, place your hand over your heart and feel it beat, close your eyes and appreciate your your ability to breathe.

Fountain of youthfulness - Your Choices

How we age is a choice; with gratitude or misery.

  • Have gratitude and laugh frequently -they’re both contagious and fountains of youth

  • A body in motion, stays in motion -take a walk, try yoga, just move

  • You are what you eat -eat your veggies, drink your water, nourish your body…don’t just feed it

  • Use it or lose it -have a purpose and stay connected, get out there… you’ve got good stuff to share

Daily Walking Positive Impacts

Make it a habit - pick a scheduled time of day (morning, afternoon evening) and a set amount of time (starting with 10, 15 or 20 minutes) and GO!

Your health and overall wellness will benefit in a variety of areas.

  • stimulates digestion

  • improves brain clarity

  • promotes development of regular sleep habits

  • bolsters creativity and problem solving ability

  • conditions full body muscles and strengthens bones

  • increases endorphins and benefits daily mood

  • lowers blood pressure

  • decreases stress and anxiety

  • enhances mindfulness and a connection to nature

  • supports a healthy metabolism

Your diet is not just what you eat

Are you treating yours with respect?

Health is a relationship you have with your body. A powerful and interesting way to look at it. Your diet is everything you expose yourself to.

It is what you listen to, what you read, what you watch, the people you hang around, the entertainment you engage in, your hobbies, etc…

Are you being as supportive of its needs as you could be? Are you protecting it from harm? Are you nourishing it? Are you showing it love?

What does Isotonic Delivery Mean?

Do you take vitamins? Do you absorb them? There is a difference….

The nutraMetrix isotonic delivery system is different, and important to understand with so many people today having compromised digestive systems. An isotonic solution (liquid) delivery means that the body has less work to do in obtaining maximum absorption. This allows nutrients to pass directly into the small intestine and be rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. Minimal nutritive value lost, making the absorption of vitamin highly efficient while delivering maximum results. While getting the most product for your dollar… not unnecessary and unknown fillers.

Mindful Self-care

It is a misguided belief that self-care is self-indulgent or being selfish. It is simply caring for yourself. A necessary source of support for various areas of your life that play an important role in your health and wellbeing. Self-care promotes your ability to be the best version of you in all the areas of your life.

Most self-care is sabotaged by STRESS… too much or not enough of something.  

Self-care can fall into any of the following categories which play a role in creating or calming stress for everyone:

  • Nutrition and Hydration

  • Physical Activity 

  • Managing Stress and Emotions 

  • Rest 

  • Relationships

  • Physical Hygiene, Medical and Dental

  • Environment

  • Fun

  • Self-Compassion

  • Finances

What if we considered and prioritized self-care as a small daily goal?

An Ongoing Natural Process

Your body makes new cells from what you eat. During sleep, your body works to repair muscle, organs, and other cells. Additionally, chemicals are produced through the metabolism of the nutrients you consume that strengthen your immune system and are in full force of circulation through your system during your sleep.

You are what you eat and your body rebuilds while you’re asleep.

No matter how much it gets abused, the body can restore itself. The first step in to stop interfering with nature. -Deepak Chopra